CO2 neutral since 2015!
First and foremost for us is the avoidance of CO2.
Since 2010 we use only green electricity from Naturstrom. Naturstrom is one of the few real green electricity providers. There are big differences. What is real green electricity you can read here (German) and here (German), for example.
When sending parcels, we rely on CO2-neutral transport with DHL GoGreen.
Unfortunately, it is still difficult to prevent or reduce CO2 in all areas. Sometimes it doesn’t even make sense to buy new, more economical computers or cars, for example, because a very large proportion is already produced during production. We have therefore decided not to replace cars, computers and cell phones every one or two years, but to use them longer.
In addition, we compensate the CO2 that is produced by heating, our cars or by shipping deliveries. This has made us CO2 neutral since 2015!
Here we have supported the following projects:
- – atmosfair climate protection projects
- – Reforestation projects via “Trees for the World”